DayGlo (Glow in the Dark) Tree

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Save hundreds of dollars on energy bills

Remembering to turn your porch light on and off can be a grueling task. How many times have you gone to work and left your porch light on for the entire day? That’s a costly oversight but you won’t have to worry about it ever again with your Glow in the Dark tree! You’ll see a drastic decrease in your electricity bill the very first month.

Available to the Public For the First Time Ever

You’ve probably seen these magnificent trees at your favorite resort, golf course, or perhaps at select amusement parks nationwide. We’ve been growing and nurturing the Glow in the Dark trees for 10 years on our 42 acre nursery in order to sell directly to consumers. They’re now mature and ready to be planted in your yard. Get your tree before we sell out.

This Tree Thrives in ANY Climate

Your Glow in the Dark tree is specially grafted with white phosphorus to illuminate light. The sun does all the work charging your tree during the day, so as evening approaches, your tree comes alive to light up your landscape.

If you live in an area that receives a lot of rain, and sunlight is limited, no worries! Just request our special HPO light that will charge your tree during the day. Imagine driving home to see your landscape lit up like a circus! This tree will literally change your life!

Home Builders’ Newest Feature

Custom Home Builders are choosing to eliminate porch lights all-together. Because this tree is self-pollinating, it will grow and radiate all on its own for up to 100 years. Many home buyers are requiring the Glow in the Dark tree, just as they would granite countertops and hard-wood floors. Expect these trees to line entrances to neighborhoods and illuminate yards as a standard.

Increase Your Child’s GPA with this Tree

Your kids won’t know what a star constellation is because eventually, they won’t be able to see the stars at night with these trees in such high demand. Let’s face it, we’re doing them a favor. The pressure to identify the Big Dipper and the North Star has been an unnecessary strain on children, and the root of failing grades.

Research predicts that by 2018, 2.78 million homeowners will have a Glow in the Dark Tree! Educators are debating on removing the solar system curriculum all-together – thanks to this new hybrid gift of nature.

Order Your Glow in the Dark Tree Now! We’ll ship it right to your door! Or not....