Brand New Blue Ray Kousa Dogwood lasts longer and looks more unique than other dogwoods.
Brand New Blue Ray Kousa Dogwood—Get One Today!
You’re going to love the brand new Blue Ray Kousa Dogwood. It’s been adored by horticulturist for several years and is now being released to the public for the first time!
This dogwood guarantees you all the features you love about dogwoods with a few new surprises. Be one of the first people to grow a Blue Ray Kousa in your neighborhood—even town!
More Disease- and Pest-Resistant Than Others
According to the story of the Blue Ray Kousa’s heritage, Cultivator Ray Jackson originally planted this breed next to other varieties and was extremely impressed when Blue Ray Kousa did not get infected with the same diseases and pests that plagued the others growing right alongside it.
Its hardy growth qualities combined with its color influenced Ray to continue developing this Kousa Dogwood.
You’ll love how its disease- and pest-resistant qualities make it even easier to manage this low-maintenance species.
You’ll Flip for This Fancy Foliage!
Blue Ray Kousa is equally named after its cultivator and its unique colorful foliage. The showy leaves are bluish-green with burgundy tips. The ovate, 4-inch leaves slowly taper to a pointed end. Making the leaves equally curvy and dramatic.
You’ll be able to appreciate the bluish-green glow of this fully-covered, deciduous tree without being distracted by the flowers. The blooms only come forth in late spring, so you’ll have plenty of time to fully absorb the colorful foliage before it becomes a beautiful backdrop to the “flowers.”
This dogwood will stand out as an extraordinary addition to your yard.
Blue Ray Kousa Will Bring a Colorful Foliage Display in Fall, Too.
The blue-tinted leaves turn maroon as the season changes from summer to fall. The purplish-red color will stand out in your yard among the classic reds, yellows, and oranges. Warmly-toned, regal-looking foliage will adorn your yard as it gracefully falls from your majestic Japanese Dogwood tree.
Imagine that color blanketing your yard—you won’t want to rake it up!
You’ll Love That This Dogwood’s a Prolific Bloomer with Traditional Style.
If you like the traditional pearl-white blooms that make dogwoods eternally famous, then you’ll love it even more with Blue Ray Kousa! Your heavy-blooming dogwood will completely cover itself in a plethora of 3-inch wide, star-shaped blooms.
Wait! Did you know that the blooms aren’t actually flowers? They’re leaves called bracts—the flowers are small, yellowish-green, and inconspicuously hidden in the center of the bracts.
The wavy bracts flow outward coming to a pointed, darker-tipped end---adding drama, just like the foliage does, to this well-loved, classic display.
Let this Japanese Flowering Dogwood bring a soft, beautiful appeal to your yard.
Don’t Knock the Wood, You’ll Love Its Look, Too.
The Blue Ray Kousa will still stand out as a favorite feature in winter (and every season, really!), because of its unusually appealing structure and bark. This dogwood has a thick canopy layered with branches. The branches shoot off the trunk almost horizontally—making the Blue Ray Kousa go from a vase-like shape to round as it matures.
The bark naturally exfoliates creating a camouflage-like patchwork of tan and gray all over.
You’ll be stunned at how the tough and artistically shaped structure combined with its soft flowering head makes Blue Ray Kousa a real attention getter.
Many Planting Options for You
This Kousa Dogwood can work well in any outside environment you choose. It will stand out beautifully near your street without the size interfering with power lines.
The arching, elegant architecture of the Blue Ray makes it a great focal point for your yard or near a sitting area. Or you could use it as a foundational feature near the front of your home—beckoning people to come inside.
The Blue Ray Kousa works well in traditional, woodland, and bird gardens. Birds love eating the red berries in summer!
If you’re artistically inclined, you could also cultivate a creative, miniature tree out of this dogwood using the art of bonsai. Just remember that Blue Ray should remain outside most of the time and only be brought in for display on special occasions, because it needs lots of sunshine.
There’s so much you can do with this appealing dogwood. BUT don’t dawdle on ideas when there’s ONLY a limited supply of this brand new variety. Buy the Blue Ray Kousa today and then, get to planning and planting!
Planting & Care
Location: Ray Jackson first started propagating the “Blue Ray” Kousa dogwood because of its unusual bluish coloration. Recently, the variety has become more widely available for sale to the general public.
The Kousa dogwood grows best in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 to 8. It is generally planted as an ornamental specimen because of its eye-catching flower display in May and June. It attains a height of 15 to 25 feet with as spread of 25 feet. Even in an optimum planting location, it grows relatively slow with only about 12 to 24 inches of new growth per year.
Planting Instructions: Avoid planting the Kousa dogwood in the fall. Plant in the early spring or mid-spring so the tree has ample time to establish a root system before winter.
Choose a planting location that offers full sun for best growth results. It prefers slightly acidic well-draining soil but will tolerate a neutral pH. It grows well in loamy, sandy, or clay soils and is somewhat drought resistant
The Kousa dogwood has a shallow root system so it is important to till the planting site prior to planting the tree. Till an area that is approximately three times as large as the tree’s root ball. Amend the soil with two inches of compost and till the compost into the soil.
Dig a hole that is twice as large in diameter as the tree’s root ball. The hole’s depth should be as deep as the root ball. Place the root ball into the hole and gently loosen the roots. Backfill the hole and press the soil firmly down to remove air pockets. Fill the hole halfway with soil and then water thoroughly to settle the soil. Finish filling the hole and again water thoroughly to further settle the soil. Apply a 2 to 3-inch layer of mulch around the tree to keep the soil moist and reduce weed growth. Avoid the mulch touching the trunk of the tree.
Fertilizing: It is recommended to test your soil for the pH and proper soil nutrients before planting your new tree. Fertilize the Kousa dogwood just as the tree’s foliage emerges and on into fall. Use a standard 12-4-8 or 16-4-8 synthetic fertilizer. Follow the directions on the fertilizer’s label for application instructions. Generally, use 2 pounds of fertilizer per 1 inch of trunk diameter. For a newly planted tree, fertilize in early spring and again mid-summer.
Pruning: The Kousa dogwood only requires minimal or no pruning to look good. Prune the tree after flowering. Thin the dogwood to help light reach the interior and promote air circulation. Heavy pruning in the fall will not hurt the tree but you will not get any blooms the following spring.